Kittymama, All Grown Up

I started blogging in 2007 after a particularly rough period in our lives. In the beginning, not knowing what I really wanted to write about, I wrote about the one thing I knew best: Hello Kitty. Looking back, I realize how shallow and superficial it may have seemed then, never mind that it developed a fascinating following on its own. Then again, I have no regrets. This blog saved my sanity many, many times in the past years and opened my world to people I would not have met in my ordinary life. pinky curler

In the last year and a half, I neglected this blog as I went on a new direction. In the course of that that venture, I was tempted to leave this corner of the Net altogether. I could not decide if I wanted to continue or shut down this blog. Even as I felt I was being pulled in too many directions, I was hesitant to pull the plug on this one. Now I know why.

I’ve decided that this blog is worth keeping alive. After all, it has seen me through seven years of bliss and darkness and seven years of the best and the worst in my life. I have rejoiced in it, wept in in, exalted and despaired in it. It contains the many joys and pleasures of my simple life, just as it holds the many tears I have shed over the sorrows I have lived through. In the process- sometimes by choice but more often by circumstance- I have grown and changed with it. And while I do have to acknowledge that age is catching up with me, presbyopia, white hair, creaky knees and all, I am grateful that growing old has given me the gifts of wisdom, gratitude, and friendship. All of these with curlers in my hair. 🙂

So today marks a new day for this blog. A new page, a new chapter. My life story is still unfinished and there are many more blank pages to fill. I am who I have always been- wife, mother, writer, teacher, autism advocate, sister, friend- yet today, I am also so much more. I am the woman who dons Hello Kitty shamelessly like second skin and flaunts Blythes brazenly. I am an avid storyteller of Sylvanian fantasies.  I am a gamer, collector, fangirl, crafter, DIY enthusiast.

All of these are me. And my life is still a roller coaster, albeit one that is steered by the grace and mercy of the Almighty.

I am Kittymama, all grown up.




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