Bag Voyeur

What’s in your bag?

I was reading through one of my favorite Hello Kitty authorities’ blogs, Hello Kitty Junkie,  when I came upon her March 2 entry entitled “My Favorite Purse… And My Hello Kitty Contents.” Her post inspired me to do this tag, which by itself, is neither new or innovative, just a tad annoying (sorry, folks!) and a whole lot curious.

In truth, I’ve always been a voyeur of sorts, peeking into people’s purses (with their express permission, of course), wondering how these reflect their image or identity. And if you think I’m weird, just think of the many women who’ve submitted photos of their bag (and contents) in In Your Bag- In Style, a site dedicated to showcasing trendy bags of celebrities and non-celebs alike.

And so, I’ll ask ever so politely the following people to do this one for me: Leirs, MegaMom, Teacher Julie, Cris, Mari, and Toni. And also new friend Miss Nomer, and KT Sanctuary and Angie (even if I know how much she hates hates hates tags!), my bestest Kitty mates in Sanriotown, just because I want to see what kind of Kitty bag they have. 🙂 You show me yours: I’ll show you mine.


I live in my bag. I carry a rather large bag to accommodate many of the things I can’t leave home without, like my handheld gaming consoles (what if I get bored while waiting for a cab?), or pepper spray (what if I get held up while playing with my handheld gaming console while waiting for a cab?), or two phones (what if I need to call the police if I get held up while playing with my handheld gaming console while waiting for a cab?). Okay, okay, so you get the picture. This hardly sets me apart from others. I’m sure that there are many women out there who carry diaper-bag-sized bags, and they are not entirely fashion statements. Call it an instinctive girl scout mentality; when a need arises, one only needs to pull magic from a bag of tricks, like Mary Poppins and the way she conjured a standing lamp from her overnight bag.

While I could practically blend in a sea of brandless bags, I do have a particular something that sets me slightly apart from the normal midlifer. While women my age prefer to carry $1000-Guccis or Vuittons, I prefer Hello Kitty. And so, I parade my bag with the rest of them, head held high, a certified Kitty fanatic for life.

 My bag is my home.

This is my black leather HK bag. (Please click the thumbnails for a bigger view. Not in picture- the camera I always carry. Obviously, I was using it! And stashed somewhere behind the DS case are wet and dry tissues and a hankie, which I forgot to take a picture of. ) And these are the things I carry everyday, anywhere, everywhere, bad back and all.

1. my HK wallet (with Sanrio fan club cards, both old and new)


2. my Charmmy Kitty case with the pink PSP and earphones

Charmmy PSP HK DS case with pink DS lite and earphones

Pink DS Lite

4. my mobile phones



5. make-up kit containing three lipsticks (Lord & Berry-Pink Attitude, Clinique- Pink Cream, and Estee Lauder-Rose Tea), a lip liner, Body Shop Brilliance Powder, Clinique face powder, Clinique blush, HK baby powder, small kitty case for medicines, kitty ponytail holder and mini-clips

make-up kit

6. eyeglasses and contact lenses

eyeglasses and contact lenses

7. coin purse, keys, rosary and a calling cards case

coin purse et. al.

8. an assortment of bottles: cologne, sunblock stick, hand sanitizer, and pepper spray

assortment of bottles

9. and my iPod (a redundancy because the iPhone also doubles as an iPod but I don’t like taking chances on batteries dying out on me)


So now you’ve seen what’s in my bag. May I see what’s in yours?

10 thoughts on “Bag Voyeur

  1. Wow! I cannot believe you carry all of that around… I should seriously think about getting a bigger bag now. 😉

    And I totally feel you about women carrying around the expensive name brand bags — I would take Hello Kitty over Vuitton, of course unless it was a collaboration or someone gave it to me as a gift!

    But we are definitely Hello Kitty soulmates. 🙂

    Amen to that, Kitty sister!

  2. In my bag you will find chop sticks!!
    Why? Well my son loves tapping them, so i have to carry spare ones in case of emergency and he looses one!

    I used to carry a slinky, a ribbon, and a gold Christmas garland in the pockets of my bag when Alphonse was younger. He loved to twirl stuff and look at them from the corner of his eyes! These days, he’s a bubble-guzzler and we buy bubble solutions by the gallon. We always have to have a bottle in hand wherever we go. I’ve removed them from my bag, though, because they do get my stuff dripping wet sometimes. Alphonse has his own small pouch for his own stuff (bubbles, skittles, sunflower seeds) which he’ll stuff into my bag when he gets tired of carrying it, which is often. 🙂 ~♥Kittymama

  3. LOVE your HK paraphernalia! 😉

    And it looks like we have more in common than we thought, too. 🙂 I have a brother who’s autistic, and reading some posts brings back memories when he was “VERY makulit”, and i even had my mom read them and she can really sympathize with all the tantrums and worries that caring for such a stubborn (albeit super-sweet) son brings. 😉

    And oh yeah… Will be posting what’s in MY Hello Kitty bag next time. Gotta fix up my fave HK Furry bag first, it’s really seen some wear&tear from being used everyday, but i just don’t have the heart to throw it away. Favorite nga kasi e. Heheh. 😉

    Hi, Vivi! Thank you for dropping by! How old is your brother? I would love to exchange stories with you and your mom. It’s always great to get a new perspective on autism, and living and loving children with autism.

    I will wait for the picture of your Hello Kitty bag- UZI talaga ako when it comes to HK stuff! I’m trying to curb the habit but this addiction is hard to fight. Think we need a Hello Kitty Anonymous? 🙂

    Hope to “see” you again! ~♥Kittymama

  4. even the contact lens case is hello kitty!!! so cute! I’ll take a photo of what’s inside my bag. i’ll do some spring cleaning first. madami kalat kasi 🙂

    Thanks for agreeing to do the tag, Mari! Hope to see your pics soon!

  5. Wow! You are a magnet for those people with bad thoughts going on in their mind.

    Love the HK on you things. WIll have mine posted ASAP, after I finish doing some commercial breaks in my blog.

    Have a blessed Holy Week, 🙂

    I lug a big bag, true, but I keep a low profile so I don’t tend to attract attention too much. 🙂

    Have a solemn celebration, Teacher Julie!

  6. this is a great post! its amazing how many HK fans there are out there.

    kitty-chan is still very beloved in japan; as evidenced by the crowd when i stopped by sanrio in ikebukuro last weekend. in japan, each region has its own special kitty-chan phone strap. so you can collect figures of kitty in a ski suit, in a red bikini, coming out of a watermelon, etc. cute!

    Hi, Caryn! I’m blessed to find more and more people who understand my fascination with kitty-chan. She does keep one feeling young. It’s true you can find Kitty everywhere there. Even the hundred-yen stores have all sorts of kitty items, and I loved it when the family restaurants gave away kitty toys for kids’ meals (imagine a grown woman ordering a kids’ meal just for the toy, haha!)
    I just dropped by your site and I will be adding you to my blogroll! All the best wishes for a sweet kitty life!


  7. I love, love, love Hello Kitty! Big Brother is a huge anime fan, K.C. likes to watch some anime too 🙂 Pocky treats are a huge favorite of Big Brothers 🙂

    I love Pocky too! My Hello Kitty world is slowly growing, thanks to many good people who are not afraid to confess that they have a soft spot for Kitty too. 🙂 ~♥Kittymama

  8. Yup! I’m in :-D….

    At least yours has a consistent theme 😀 And looks for more organized…. I haven’t had a chance to get mine organized lately. I just chunk them all in. Funny I used to be organized years back with a girl scout mentality to bring everything you could possibly need :-D….. Now I just chug in my wallet, notebook, pen and cellphones. Make-up, sometimes.

    I’ll be checking your site when the pics come up. 🙂

  9. Wow, that’s a lot of HK stuff! Love all of it!

    I recently started collecting them, too. Seeing your collection and those under your HK blogroll makes me want to get me some more!

    Got here through Odette’s site. I hope you don’t mind me adding you to my blogroll. 🙂

  10. Pingback: » What’s in my Bag?

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